Liebster Award

Thank you so much to  Maxine@ The Rogue Storyteller for nominating me for the Liebster award! I haven’t done one of these posts in a while 🙂




  1. Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their site on your blog
  2. Display the award on your blog
  3. Answer 10 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you
  4. Nominate 5-10 other bloggers for the award
  5. Create a new list of questions for your nominees to answer
  6. List these rules in your post
  7. Inform the people/blogs that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so they can learn about it



1. Which three books define you as a reader?

It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover



I like to highlight this book because it shows the type of book that I am attracted to- one that challenges my current views and makes me really uncomfortable. If you haven’t read this book, you should. It deals with extremely sensitive subject matter and I have never felt pulled in so many directions. I love how Colleen Hoover made me feel so conflicted about a subject I previously considered very black and white. Also, I absolutely bawled for the last half of the book and I love a book that can make me feel like that. Read my review HERE.



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The Try A Chapter Tag

I decided to do this tag after seeing Larkin do it over at Wonderfilled Reads. It seemed like a fun idea to help me decide what to read next. I felt a little lost after finishing off ACOL and saying goodbye to Kell, Lila, Rhy and Alucard, so I needed some inspiration to start my next books!

This tag was created by BookParadise on Youtube.


  • Pick 5 (or more) books from your tbr
  • Read the first chapter of all of them (including the prologue if there is one)
  • Tell your readers if you’re sold on the book and what you thought of the first chapter.
  • Are you going to finish the book this month?

Continue reading “The Try A Chapter Tag”

Blogger Recognition Award

I was nominated by Sam @ One Bookish Girl, Beth @ Reading Every Night, Jessica @ Pore Over The Pages and Kate @ The Nerdy Novelty. Thank you for all the tags!


  • Write a post to show your award
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Select at least 3 other blogs you want to give the award to

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Opinions Tag 

I got tagged in the Opinions Tag by E.C. Orr. I really enjoy her blog- not only does she post reviews but also some great discussions and content for aspiring writers. Thank you so much for the tag and I apologize for it taking me so long to post!

Totally should’ve…gotten a sequel:

This was really difficult for me because when I looked through all my books I realized a lot of them DO actually have sequels even if I haven’t read them. However there are some books I wish I just had more time to spend with the characters such as..


Graceling by Kristen Cashore

I know Fire and Bitterblue are technically sequels but they focus on different characters and what I really wanted was more time with Katsa and Po!

Continue reading “Opinions Tag “

Reader Confessions Tag 

I was tagged by the lovely Teenlit101. Please stop by and check out her blog if you have the chance, she posts a lot of great reviews for YA books. Thanks again for the tag 🙂


1. Have you ever damaged a book? 

Not..intentionally. I love my books. But I also use to bring my books with me absolutely everywhere. So they all sustained some wear and tear. I don’t carry them around quite as much now that I have a kindle. I used to dog-ear my pages (gasp) but I don’t do that anymore. I learned you have to be careful when bringing books to the beach. I also have a paperback copy of The Prisoner of Azkaban from the fourth grade with bite marks in it from our class rabbit. I take better care of my books in adulthood 🙂

2. Have you ever damaged a borrowed book?

No! Although I did have a friend damage one of my favorite books…it broke my heart. I don’t let very many people borrow my books anymore.

Continue reading “Reader Confessions Tag “

Goodreads Book Tag

I first wanted to say thank you to Donna @ Chocolatenwaffles’ Blog for tagging me in the Goodreads Book Tag 🙂 I’ve apparently had Goodreads since 2011, but I certainly have not been active with it that entire time. Honestly, I’ve only really started to use it the past few months as a way to keep track of my books. I love it now! I don’t know how I would ever keep track of all my to-read books without my lovely list on Goodreads.

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NetGalley Book Tag

Hi everyone! I first wanted to say thank you to Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads for tagging me in her NetGalley Book Tag :). Books tags are a lot fun and allows bloggers to get to know one another. Sorry it took me so long to get this one written! Here are the rules for the NetGalley tag:

  • Link back to the tag’s creator (Kourtni Reads)
  • Thank and link back to the person who tagged you
  • Answer the questions the best you can. If you don’t use NetGalley, you can substitute other sites or places where you get books!
  • Tag a few people to do this too


Continue reading “NetGalley Book Tag”

Sunshine Blogger Award



First of all, I wanted to say thank you to The Library Lizard for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award! This is my first tag ever and I am very excited to participate 🙂


The Rules:

Thank the person who nominated you.

Answer 11 questions set by the person who nominated you.

Nominate  11  5 bloggers to receive the award and write them 11 new questions to answer.


My Questions:

1.What is your favourite book title?

Only one favorite? If I haven’t made it abundantly clear already, the Harry Potter series is near and dear to my heart. Some of my favorites that immediately come to mind are the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, The Fire and Thorns trilogy by Rae Carson, Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas and Graceling by Kristen Cashore.

2.Why did you start blogging?

I’ve always been a big reader but I started blogging mostly because I wanted to keep track of what I was reading. I used to read other book blogs for book recommendations so I thought, why not, and started my own! I’m obviously pretty new and still learning how to navigate wordpress and the blogging community but I’ve had a lot of fun so far. I love interacting with the blogging community- everyone has been so welcoming and I had no idea everyone was just as excited about books as I was!

3.What is your favourite genre?

Definitely fantasy and dystopian books. I love being able to escape into another world.


4.What is your least favourite genre?

I’m usually not that partial to historical fiction..BUT some of my favorite books are historical fiction, like Pillars of the Earth. I usually don’t pick up books in this genre, but I have been pleasantly surprised in the past so I am willing to try anything 🙂


5.Name three of your favourite characters.

I always have a hard time thinking of all time favorites but three notable characters that come to mind right now are:

  1. Gansey from The Raven Cycle. I was just a huge Gansey fan throughout the series. Most of the time I just wanted to give him a big hug.
  2. Katsa from Graceling. She was such a badass character and I loved her character development throughout Graceling.
  3. I know everyone has already talked about this in every YA fantasy book blog and maybe its silly that I’m choosing him as a favorite character…but I can’t help it! I’m still fangirling over Rhysand months after finishing ACOMAF. I’M SORRY I CAN’T HELP IT.


6.What fictional world would you choose to live in?

I think it would be pretty cool to live in Vi’s world in The Creepy Hollow series. I love the idea of having magic and other unique abilities. Plus, she lives in a magic tree with a shape shifting animal named FiIigree 🙂


7.What do you use as a book mark?

Nothing exciting…once in a while I use a cute bookmark, but for the most part I just use a scrap of paper or old business card I have lying around. My pet peeve is a dog-eared page so I definitely don’t do that! But I’m not particular about what I use as a bookmark.


8. What is your favourite letter of the alphabet?

A. My name starts with it, its the first letter of the alphabet. If I have to choose 🙂


9.What’s the longest book you’ve ever read?

I had to go back through my Goodreads for this. Leo Tolstoy and Ayn Rand books come to mind but I haven’t read any of their books. It will probably be Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett at 816 pages. Also one of my favorite books!



10.Favourite book cover?

This is tough.. I’m going to choose from books that I’ve read. The Bird and the Sword, The Love That Split the World and These Broken Stars all have beautiful covers. The covers were definitely part of the reason I was attracted to the book in the first place!


11.Sunshine or snow?

I’m a born and bred Californian, so definitely sunshine. I’ve actually never had a white Christmas before…


Here are my nominations if you want to participate as well! You obviously don’t have to if you’ve already done this tag or don’t want to.


Lucy’s Literature

Alextheshadowgirl’s Blog

Georgiana Darcy’s reading lists

TeacherofYA’s Book Blog


Here are my questions:

  1. What is your comfort book? (the book you would read over and over again without getting bored)
  2. What is your favorite spot to read?
  3. What is one book you love that is way outside of your usual genre?
  4. Who is your favorite YA couple?
  5. What are some of your favorite series?
  6. Why did you start blogging?
  7. Do you prefer series or standalone books? Why?
  8. What are your favorite classics?
  9. What are you reading right now? Are you enjoying it?
  10. Do you drink coffee or tea while reading? (or neither)
  11. Who is one YA main character you would want on your team in the apocalypse?